West Papua

The indigenous peoples in West Papua suffer from human rights violations in the decades long lasting political and economical conflict there. West Papua refers to the western half of the New Guinea island. It is comprised of the six Indonesian provinces: Papua, Papua Barat, Papua Tengah, Papua Pegunungan, Papua Selatan, Papua Barat Daya.

Civil Society Coalition criticises Indonesia’s report on Papua at the UPR Session of the UN

On 9 November 2022, Indonesia passed the periodic monitoring of the promotion of human rights at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The Civil Society Coalition for UPR Reporting consisting of Amnesty International Indonesia, ASEAN SOGIE Caucus, KontraS, KIKA, FreeToBeMe Coalition (FTBM) Indonesia, SAFEnet, and Transmen Indonesia, held a press conference to share their joint analysis and monitoring of the Indonesian government’s report in the UPR session.

Awyu indigenous community sues Papua DPMPTSP Office over right to information about palm oil company’s permit

The Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office (DPMPTSP) in Papua seems to be restricting and blocking access to information by the indigenous community of Awyu regarding the company PT Indo Asiana Letari (PT IAL), specifically information related to the PT IAL’s Plantation Business license. The palm oil company operates in the Awyu’s customary land around Digoel and Mappi Rivers in Boven Digoel Regency, Papua Province. It is planning to replace customary forests with palm oil plantations. According to the community, the DPMPTSP is issuing permits without the knowledge of the public.

Leading Papuan Independence Activist Filep Karma died allegedly in a diving accident

Filep Karma, one of the most prominent pro-independence West Papuan activists was found dead on 1 November 2022 at 7 am on a beach in Jayapura city. Initially, the police confirmed that a body has been found by a resident on the beach at Base G and identification was pending. Later on, Filep Karma’s family confirmed that the body belong to Filep and that he drowned in a diving accident. Reportedly, Filep had been on a diving trip with his brother-in-law and nephew but went diving alone after the two left the beach.

Military members torture three Papuan minors and their parents in Keerom Regency

Military personnel of the Kopasus Maleo special forces reportedly tortured three Papuan children and their parents inside a military post at the Yuwanain Village, Arso District, on 27 October 2022. The military police have launched an investigation into the incident. According to a spokesperson of the Pomdam XVII/Cenderawasih military command, 32 military members will be examined in relation to the case.

Mpur tribe in Papua Barat demands that PT BAPP stops operating on its customary land

In January 2022, the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, through SK 01/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/1/2022 concerning Revocation of Forest Area Concession Permits, revoked 192 forestry permits/concessions. One was PT Bintuni Agro Prima Perkasa’s (BAPP) concession area of ​​19,368.77 ha in West Papua. The Mpur tribe of indigenous people, whose customary land is affected by the concession, had urged to revoke PT BAPP’s permit in West Papua since 2017. The Mpur have tried to discuss this with the regent of Tambrauw and the relevant agencies. Still, the regent and representatives of the appropriate offices object to meeting directly with the customary land rights holders.

Update law enforcement process – 18 military personnel suspected of collectively torturing six Papuans

On 30 August 2022, military personnel tortured Mr Bruno Anonim Kimko and Mr Yohanes Kanggum inside a military post in the Bade Village, Mappi regency. Komnas HAM revealed that the military personnel had tortured four more victims prior to the incident on 28 August 2022. The four victims were identified as Mr Amsal Pius Yimsimen, Mr Korbanius Yamin, Mr Lodefius Tikamtahae and Mr Saferius Yame. As of the end of October 2022, the military police have identified eighteen suspects. All are members of the Raider 600/Modang infantry battalion.

Police arbitrary arrest and detain two Papuan intellectuals in Wamena

Members of the Jayawijaya District Police arbitrarily arrested two Papuans from the Nduga regency, Papua Province. Mr Titus Koranue and Mr Yance Kerebea have been detained at the Jayawijaya District police station since late June 2022. The police have not explained the reason for the arrest but stated both men were “secured to prevent unwanted things from happening“.

Military members in Nduga torture teacher to death

Members of the Quari Atas Yonif R 431/SSP military post in the Kenyam Distrct, Nduga regency allegedly tortured a 40-year-old high school teacher, Mr Musa Nawipa on 27 April 2022. According to information received from local sources, the military personnel tortured Mr Nawipa inside the military post for one day until he succumbed to the injuries sustained as a result of the torture.

Police officer beats street vendor in Timika

On 13 April 2022, Brigadier AK, a police member of the Mimika District Police, attacked a street vendor, Mr Taman, as he was selling food in front of the SMAN 1 Timika high school. Mr Taman sustained bruises around the right eye and a cut on the lips as a result of the torture. The incident was recorded on camera and later went viral on social media.

Police release shots during house search in Jayapura – Two Papuan students injured, eleven arrested

On 8 April 2022, around 11:00 pm, police officers of the Jayapura city police carried out a house search in the Buper area of the Heram District in Jayapura City. The residents, most of them Papuan students, had just finished a traditional cooking ceremony as a group of police officers equipped with automatic machine guns and bullet-proof vests approached the house.

Indigenous peoples in the Grime Nawa valley demand that Palm oil company PT Permata Nusa Mandiri stops operating

On 7 September 2022, the indigenous peoples in the Grime Nawa valley in Jayapura Regency again held a demonstration demanding the government stop activities and revoke the license of the palm oil plantation company, PT Permata Nusa Mandiri (PT PNM). The compnay has a location permit from 2011 and an environmental permit since 2014. PT PNM obtained a Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) permit in 2018, although the three-year Palm Oil Moratorium has been in effect.

Police officer beats indigenous Papuan unconscious in Wamena

Police officers tortured indigenous Papuan youth, Brayen Renaldy Gombo, inside a police patrol car in the highland town of Wamena, Jayawijaya Regency, on 14 September 2022. The police officers arbitrarily arrested Brayen Renaldy Gombo because he was making fun of officers who were conducting a raid and seizing alcoholic drinks.