Police officer beats indigenous Papuan unconscious in Wamena

Police officers tortured indigenous Papuan youth, Brayen Renaldy Gombo, inside a police patrol car in the highland town of Wamena, Jayawijaya Regency, on 14 September 2022. Brayen is currently receiving medical treatment at the Jayawijaya General Hospital. According to the information received, he has not regained consciousness after the torture. The police officers arbitrarily arrested Brayen Renaldy Gombo because he was making fun of officers who were conducting a raid and seizing alcoholic drinks.

The incident occurred as Brayen and three friends walked from Hom-Hom Street to Papua Street around 8:00 pm. The police officers dragged him inside the control car and forced him to drink alcoholic drinks while beating him to the head and body for almost one hour. Relatives later found the patrol car while looking for Brayen at the Hom-Hom sub-district police station in Wamena. Brayen was unconscious as police officers brought him back to his house. As he did not regain consciousness, the relatives admitted him to the Jayawijaya General Hospital.  

Detailed Case Data
name of the location: around Hom-Hom street (-4.080124852958281, 138.937552726078)
administrative region: Indonesia, Papua Province, Jayawijaya Regency, Wamena town
total number of victims: one
period of incident: 14.09.2022
perpetrator: police
perpetrator details: unknown
Issues: torture, indigenous peoples
Further HRM News:

NumberName, DetailsGenderAgeGroup AffiliationViolations
1Brayen Renaldy Gombomaleunknownindigenousill-treatment