West Papua

The indigenous peoples in West Papua suffer from human rights violations in the decades long lasting political and economical conflict there. West Papua refers to the western half of the New Guinea island. It is comprised of the six Indonesian provinces: Papua, Papua Barat, Papua Tengah, Papua Pegunungan, Papua Selatan, Papua Barat Daya.

Papua Quarterly Report Q2 2024: Stagnation and Conflict: Land Rights and Military Presence Intensify

This comprehensive 9-page document lists cases and developments including human rights violations and their patterns; escalation of armed conflict and its impact on civilians; significant political shifts in Indonesia affecting …

Papua Quarterly Report Q2 2024: Stagnation and Conflict: Land Rights and Military Presence Intensify Read More »

Indigenous communities oppose Merauke Sugarcane Project over socio-environmental concerns

The Indonesian government’s plan to transform Merauke town, South Papua (Papua Selatan) Province, into a major centre for sugarcane plantations and bioethanol production has sparked significant controversy and legal disputes. This large-scale agricultural endeavour, part of the National Strategic Project (PSN), aims to achieve sugar self-sufficiency by 2027.

Unsettled torture of Moses Yewen sparks conflict between relatives and military in Fef District, Tambrauw Regency

The longstanding conflict between the family of the late Moses Yewen and the military presence in Fef district, Tambrauw Regency, Southwest Papua (Papua Barat Daya) Province has moved towards resolution. This follows a series of meetings and protests that highlighted the community’s grievances and demands. Mr Moses Yewen was tortured by military members on 9 April 2021 and died a month later. His relatives claim his death was a consequence of the torture he experienced.

Eleven forest areas in Papua proposed to become customary forests – battling the lack of recognition

Nine clans from the Wambon Kenemopte Tribe in Boven Digoel Regency, South Papua, have submitted proposals. These clans include Kinggo Kambenap, Tenggare, Aute, Kanduga, Ekoki (Aiwat Village), Ekoki (Kampung Subur), Kemi, Eninggugop, and Wauk. Additionally, proposals came from the Gelek Malak Kalawilis Pasa in Sorong Regency and the Afsya people in Konda South Sorong District. The total forest area proposed is 245,506 hectares.