Indigenous woman injured by bullets during armed clash in Intan Jaya
On 4 July 2023, an indigenous woman, Mrs Dilagalu Hagisimijau, was injured by bullets during an armed clash in the Intan Jaya Regency.
The indigenous peoples in West Papua suffer from human rights violations in the decades long lasting political and economical conflict there. West Papua refers to the western half of the New Guinea island. It is comprised of the six Indonesian provinces: Papua, Papua Barat, Papua Tengah, Papua Pegunungan, Papua Selatan, Papua Barat Daya.
On 4 July 2023, an indigenous woman, Mrs Dilagalu Hagisimijau, was injured by bullets during an armed clash in the Intan Jaya Regency.
On 4 July 2023, UN Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, Ms. Alice Wairimu Nderitu, (see photo on top, source: screenshot) in her opening remarks during the 22nd Meeting, 53rd Regular Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, expressed concerns regarding the human rights situation in the easternmost provinces in Indonesia.
On 5 May 2023, Five Special Procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Council wrote to the Indonesian government regarding cases of violence including extrajudicial killings in West Papua. We …
Five UN Special Procedures raise killings of indigenous Papuans Read More »
Ongoing armed clashes between Indonesian security forces and the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) have caused the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to rise while at the same time preventing them from safely returning to their homes.
Mr Haris Azhar (Founder of Lokataru) and Ms Fatia Maulidiyanti (Coordinator of KontraS) have been facing legal proceedings for alleged defamation against Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Mr Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, since 2021. The trial of the criminalisation case against Fatia and Haris entered the stage of examining the reporting witness, namely Mr Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, on 8 June 2023.
On 14 June 2023, judges at the Sorong District Court found the defendants, Mr Elias Wetipo, Mr Marthen Samonsabra Oiwari, and Mr. Yoran Pahabol, guilty of treasonous acts. They were sentenced to prison for delivering peaceful speeches and displaying banners with the Morning Star symbol at the airport in Sorong on 13 September 2022.
Judges at the Makassar District Court in Manokwari found three Papuan defendants guilty of treason and criminal conspiracy against the state as stipulated under Article 106 of the Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) and Article 110 KUHP. Mr Kostan Karlos Bonay (85 years), Mr Andreas Sanggenafa (65 years), and Mr Hellesvred Bezalle Soleman Waropen (55 years) were sentenced to two years imprisonment each.
Members of the Police Mobile Brigade Special Unit (Brimob) reportedly raided a residential house in the Eselon IV housing area in the Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, on 31 May 2023 around 3.30 am
Members of the Tambrauw District Police arbitrarily arrested and detained 19 members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) in the Village of Sarwom, Bamusbama District, on 9 June 2023.
The Telenta Keadilan Papua Legal Aid Institute (LBH TKP) has documented a case involving the alleged rape of Mrs L. by an Indonesian soldier in Nabire Regency, Papua Tengah Province. The alleged rape occurred on May 11, 2023, at 02:00 am on Jayanti Kali Bobo Street in Nabire District, Nabire Regency.
Police members intimidated Papuan woman activist and human rights defender, Mrs Raga Kogeya, in the Waena Area, Jayapura City, on 3 June 2023. Mrs Kogeya is advocating for the rights …
Police officers intimidate female Papuan human rights defender in Jayapura Read More »
The Papuan Law Enforcement and Human Rights Coalition has called on the Sorong Police Chief to halt the legal process against human rights advocate Mr Leo Ijie. They understand this prosecution as an attempt to criminalise him for his professional work as a lawyer
On 27 May 2023, excavators cleared a vast area of customary land secured by dozens of armed military members and Police mobile brigade (Brimob) special unit officers.
The West Papuan Council of Churches (WPCC) is calling on Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to cease military operations in West Papua and seek dialogue with TPNPB. The WPCC considers that Mehrtens’ life is in danger if negotiations with the TPNPB do not take place.
Activists have been closely following the trial and repeatedly launched peaceful actions in support of Victor Yeimo in front of the district court in the city of Jayapura (PN Jayapura). Police officers arbitrarily arrested 54 members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) and supporters in the city of Jayapura and the neighbouring town of Sentani, Jayapura District, between 8 and 11 April 2023.
Activists have been closely following the trial and repeatedly launched peaceful actions in support of Victor Yeimo in front of the district court in the city of Jayapura (PN Jayapura). Police officers arbitrarily arrested 54 members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) and supporters in the city of Jayapura and the neighbouring town of Sentani, Jayapura District, between 8 and 11 April 2023.
Joint security force members of the Damai Cartenz task force searched houses and arbitrarily arrested 21 Papuans in the town of Dekai, Yahukimo Regency, on 16 May 2023.
Over the past years, there have been several reports of such abuses and Human Rights Monitor (HRM) has compiled a list of victims of enforced disappearance and extra-judicial killings in West Papua between January and December 2022.
he police suspect, Mr Delano Sayori (27 years), died at Bhayangkara Police Hospital in Jayapura City on 6 May 2023. Mr Sayori’s relatives suspect that Mr Sayori died due to torture during the arrest and detention at the Papuan Regional Police Headquarters.
Raider 303/SSM Sinak military command members reportedly opened fire at Rev Paniur Tabuni (40 years) and his three children while hunting in the Sinak District, Puncak Regency, Papua Tengah Province, on 5 May 2023