
Police arrest 30 protesters demanding justice for Victor Yeimo in Sentani, Jayapura Regency

Activists have been closely following the trial and repeatedly launched peaceful actions in support of Victor Yeimo in front of the district court in the city of Jayapura (PN Jayapura). Police officers arbitrarily arrested 54 members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) and supporters in the city of Jayapura and the neighbouring town of Sentani, Jayapura District, between 8 and 11 April 2023.

Police arrest 24 protesters demanding justice for Victor Yeimo in Jayapura City

Activists have been closely following the trial and repeatedly launched peaceful actions in support of Victor Yeimo in front of the district court in the city of Jayapura (PN Jayapura). Police officers arbitrarily arrested 54 members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) and supporters in the city of Jayapura and the neighbouring town of Sentani, Jayapura District, between 8 and 11 April 2023.

Indonesia intensifies security operations in WP – In Agisiga, Intan Jaya raids come with disappearance and torture

A widespread security operation was reportedly launched in Intan Jaya on 11 April 2023 in the districts Sugapa, Hitadipa and Agisiga. Indonesian military reportedly raided the villages Eknemba,  Munimai, Danggoa, Mbamogo, Ndugusiga, Titigi, and Tousiga. Local observers claim that security forces set at least 29 residential houses and a church in the villages of Munimai and Danggoa on fire.

Indonesia intensifies security operations in West Papua – Raids come with killings, torture, and burning of houses

Indonesian security forces have intensified operations in various conflict areas in West Papua. According to information received, security force members raided villages and set residential houses on fire. The raids reportedly occurred in the conflict hotspots in West Papua, predominantly in the regencies, Puncak, Nduga, and Intan Jaya,

Three students tried under treason charges for launching peaceful assembly inside Jayapura University

In early April 2023, three Papuan students were tried under treason charges at the Jayapura Ditrict Court for participating in the peaceful assembly and raising the Morning Star flag at the USTJ campus in Jayapura. Police officers forcefully dispersed a peaceful protest by Papuan university students at the Jayapura University of Science and Technology (USTJ) and arrested fifteen students on 10 November 2022. One detainee was reportedly torture on 8 December during detention.

New internal displacement in West Papua as armed clashes intensify throughout March 2023

The armed conflict in West Papua has significantly intensified throughout March 2023, causing new internal displacements in the region. The military is proceeding with the central government’s plan to increase social interaction with indigenous Papuans in remote parts of West Papua. Military personnel are targeting schools in particular, where they can make contact with the Papuan youth.

Internal Displacement and arbitrary arrests due to armed conflict in Yahukimo Regency

New armed clashes in the Dekai District of Yahukimo Regency erupted after TPNPB fighters killed an Indonesian migrant on 20 February 2023. Multiple attacks against security force members followed. Following the attacks, joint members of the Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) and the 1715 Yahukimo Military command conducted raids in the district of Dekai and the surrounding area. The raids were accompanied by 22 arbitrary arrests of indigenous Papuans.