Human Rights News

News on the human rights and conflict situation in the Indo-Pacific region.

Trial Update: Four military members found guilty of premeditated murder – two defendants sentenced to life imprisonment

On 15 February 2023, judges at the Military Court III-19 in Jayapura have found the four military members, Private Rahmat Amin Sese, Private Risky Oktav Muliawan, Private Robertus Putra Clinsman, and Private Pargo Rumbouw guilty of killing four indigenous Papuans and subsequently mutilating their bodies in the town of Timika on 22 August 2022.

Human Rights Council calls for access to West Papua during UPR

On 9 November 2022, Indonesia was reviewed for a fourth time by the UN Human Rights Council’s (HRC) Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a review in which the members of the Human Rights Council discuss the overall human rights situation in Indonesia, including in West Papua. During the three hours session in Geneva, Indonesia presented its human rights record from the state’s perspective after it had submitted its national report for this review.

Alleged obstruction of presidential candidate Anis Baswedan’s campaign

Some local governments allegedly obstructed the political expression of presidential candidate Anis Baswedan. They made it difficult for Anis Baswedan to conduct political activities in areas such as West Java, Riau and Aceh, such as making it difficult, revoking permits that had been issued. The reasons for the revocation of permits vary, but Anies Baswedan’s volunteers said they caught an attempt to hamper Anies’ movement in the regions. 

Human Rights in West Papua in 2022 – no improvement but further deterioration

Two major developments with a significant effect on the human rights situation in West Papua throughout 2022 were, firstly, Jakarta’s plans to amend the Papuan special autonomy law and establish new provinces in West Papua. This has caused widespread rejection among indigenous Papuans. In July 2021, the central government unilaterally amended the Papuan Special Autonomy (Otsus) Law without the participation of the Papuan Peoples Assembly (MRP) and the provincial government. Secondly, the ongoing armed conflict in West Papua causes a climate of persistent violence, particularly in the conflict areas. Papuan human rights defenders kept reporting cases of torture, extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances – many of such cases are directly related to armed conflict.

Victims and relatives disappointed over settlement of serious human rights violations in Indonesia

In 2022, the Jokowi administration took initiative to address past human rights violations, these efforts were poorly planned, monitored, and implemented. Both the trial of the 2014 Panai Case and the presidential decree for the non-judicial settlement of past serious human rights violations gave the impression that the government wants to burnish its human rights image among the international community instead of making a serious effort to establish justice and eradicate impunity.