Alleged obstruction of presidential candidate Anis Baswedan’s campaign

Some local governments allegedly obstructed the political expression of presidential candidate Anis Baswedan. They made it difficult for Anis Baswedan to conduct political activities in areas such as West Java, Riau and Aceh, by acts such as revoking permits that had been issued. The reasons for the revocation of permits vary, but Anies Baswedan’s volunteers said they caught an attempt to hamper Anies’ movement in the regions. 

Anies Baswedan’s supporting party, the National Democratic Party, revealed that regents were under pressure. Chairman of the DPP NasDem Party, Willy Aditya, said that disruptions to Anies Baswedan’s political safari occurred in many areas like Tasikmalaya and Ciamis, West Java. In these two areas, the local government was not involved. However, other parties encouraged the provincial government to stop Anis Baswedan’s activities. The Aceh Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar) revoked the permit to use Banda Aceh’s Ratu Safiatuddin Park in the context of a healthy walk and Gathering Stage for Anies Baswedan’s political safari activities to be held on 03 December 2022. The revocation of the permit was stated in Letter Number 900/096/2022, signed by the Head of UPTD Taman Seni dan Budaya of the Aceh Culture and Tourism, Azhadi Akbar, on 28 November 2022. The Head of the Aceh Culture and Tourism Office, Almuniza, confirmed the truth of the letter. Although he said the license revocation was following the rules, he did not explain the reason for the cancellation of the license. The same thing happened in Riau, where the government revoked the permit on the grounds of holding an event at the same time and place. 

Detailed Case Data
name of the location: Presidential Council. Jakarta (-6.165006321078775, 106.8252997714034)
administrative region: Indonesia, Special Capital Region of Jakarta
total number of victims: 1
period of incident: 03.12.2022
perpetrator: government
perpetrator details: unknown 
Issues: freedom of expression, right to information 
Further HRM News:

NumberName, DetailsGenderAgeGroup AffiliationViolation
1Anis Bawedan, presidential candidatemaleunknownfreedom of expression, right to information