West Papua

The indigenous peoples in West Papua suffer from human rights violations in the decades long lasting political and economical conflict there. West Papua refers to the western half of the New Guinea island. It is comprised of the six Indonesian provinces: Papua, Papua Barat, Papua Tengah, Papua Pegunungan, Papua Selatan, Papua Barat Daya.

Jayapura: assembly forcefully dispersed on 14 June

On 14 June 2022, police officers dispersed a peaceful assembly in the Perumnas III residential area in Waena, Jayapura City, with teargas, wooden batons and rubber bullets. Eleven protesters were injured and 5 others arrested. The protesters had come together to commemorate the death of former KNPB leader Mako Tabuni, who died during police detention on 14 June 2012.

Papua Barat Province: Military member kills minor during a wedding ceremony in Prafi District

On 4 June 2022, a military member shot dead 16-year-old civilian, Rafael Ivan Balaweling in the Prafi District of Manokwari Regency, Papua Barat Province. The shooting occurred during a wedding ceremony in the Aimasi village. According to the military spokesperson, General Tatang Subarna, the shooting was triggered by an argument between Staff Sergeant AFTJ and Rafael Ivan Balaweling.

Nabire: security forces dispersed the protest against new provinces in Papua on 3 June

About sixty PRP supporters gathered at the Oyehe Gizi Park in Nabire on 3 June 2022 and made peaceful orations. Minutes later, dozens of police officers arrived at the park and told the protesters to leave, claiming that other groups would need the park for an assembly. Fully equipped police personnel pushed the protesters towards the Oyehe bus terminal. The officers reportedly intercepted people recording the operation and forced them to delete the recordings. The police arrested 23 protesters, who were detained and interrogated at the Nabire District Police Station (POLSEK).

Sorong: security forces dispersed the protest against new provinces in Papua on 3 June

On 3 June 2022, around 250 people went to the streets in Sorong city to voice their opposition to Jakarta’s planned administrative partitions. At 2.30 pm, the protesters gathered at the local parliament, demanding to meet the local parliament chairman. He did not come to meet the crowd, and at 3.15 pm, the situation became tense. Some protesters reacted by burning tires in the surrounding area. In return, police officers shot teargas grenades and rubber bullets from close range into the crowd. At least ten protesters sustained injuries due to excessive force during the crowd control operation.

Merauke: security forces disperse protest against new provinces in Papua on 3 June

On 3 June dozens of PRP sympathisers, Papuan students and activists gathered at the Kudamati Road near the Mangga Market in Merauke. They orated and read their arguments against the formation of new provinces loudly. The demonstration lasted for around half an hour, after which the protesters dispersed. Approximately 15 minutes later, joint security forces arrived in the area and began taking the mobile phones of bystanders to revise and delete recordings, and identify protesters. They also searched houses in the area.

Timika: security forces disperse protest against new provinces in Papua on 3 June

On 3 June 2022, people in Timika went to the streets to voice their opposition to Jakarta’s planned administrative partitions. Police officers reportedly blocked the crowd at SP3 and arrested two protesters named Mr Jakson Wenda and Mr Anas Oktovianus H Rumaropen. Both were reportedly ill-treated during the arrest. The exact circumstances of the arrest remain unclear. A small group of protesters was allowed to share their aspirations with parliament representatives.

Attack on Papuan human rights organisation – Perpetrators set a motorcycle on fire

The Papuan Legal Aid Institute (LBH Papua) was subjected to an attack in the early morning of 9 May 2022. A motorcycle was set on fire inside the garage of the LBH Office in Jayapura City. LBH Papua is part of a coalition of human rights organisations in West Papua and provides legal and non-legal support to political activists and other victims of human rights violations.

Trial against 8 Papuan activists accused of treason launched in Jayapura

Eight Papuan activists: Malvin Yobe, Devio Tekege, Ambros Elopere, Maksi You, Paul Sode Hilapok, Luis Sitok, Ernesto Matuan, and Melvin Waine were arrested for raising the Morning Star flag in front of the sports hall (GOR) in Jayapura on 1 December 2021. The police charged the activists with Articles 106 KUHP on treason and Article 110 KUHP on criminal conspiracy against the state. Allegedly the police is unnecessarily prolonging the detention because the evidence against the eight activists is not sufficient to submit the case to the public prosecutor. On 30 January 2022, the police extended the period of detention for another 30 days. Prior to the arrest, Melvin Yobe was undergoing a pulmonary treatment program, while Sode Hilapok was suffering from hemorrhoids. Their health condition of Mr Malvin Yobe and Mr Paul Sode reportedly deteriorated in late January 2022. Mr Hilapok was once permitted to see a doctor while Mr Yobe has not yet received any medical treatment. The trial started at the Jayapura District Court in April 2022 but the first court hearing was adjourned. The trial has finally started on 17 May 2022.
On 29 August 2022, judges at the Jayapura District Court found Mr Melvin Yobe, 29, Mr Melvin Fernando Waine, 25, Mr Zode Hilapok, 27, Mr Devion Tekege, 23, Mr Yosep Ernesto Matuan, 19, Mr Maksimus Simon Petrus You, 18, Mr Lius Kitok Uropmabin, 21, and Mr Ambrosius Fransiskus Elopere, 21, guilty of treason as regulated under Article 106 of the Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) (see photo on top, source: Jubi). Previously, the public prosecutor demanded a sentence of one year while the lawyers had pleaded for acquittal for the defendants.

Soldiers allegedly tortured five Papuan students in Mosso Village, Jayapura city

Seven members of the military border security unit Yonif 711/RKS/Kampung Mosso tortured five Papuan students in the village of Mosso, Muara Tami District, Jayapura city on 6 May 2022. The students informed the military of their fishing activities. When they were done fishing, they went to the military post. They were ill-treated by military personnel for allegedly passing by other posts and not reporting their activities.

Intoxicated police officer ran over four road workers in Jayapura – one victim dies

A police officer lost control of his police vehicle in the early morning of 4 May 2022 and ran over four road workers in the city of Jayapura, Papua Province. One of them died as a result of the crash while the others were injured. The head of the Papuan Regional Police’s professionalism and security affairs division (Propam Polda Papua), Mr Sanchez Napitupulu, suspects that the driver was intoxicated as the incident occurred. The police are looking for the perpetrator who fled the crime site without providing assistance to the victims. Two of his colleagues, EN and YN, who were inside the police vehicle as the accident occurred, surrendered to the police shortly after the accident.  

KNPB supporters request audience with Jayapura police chief – Police respond with ill-treatment and arrest

On 4 April 2022, 8 supporters of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) were ill-treated and 5 others arrested as the activists wanted to discuss the legal process of the five KNPB members who had been charged the police. Instead of meeting with the activists, the Jayapura police chief gave the order to disperse the crowd. According to information received, police officers used excessive force against the protesters. Eight KNPB activists were ill-treated and sustained injuries (see photos below, source: independent HRDs) while five others were reportedly arrested.  

Protests against the formation of new provinces in West Papua continue as Indonesian Minister claims 82% of Papuans support government plans

Thousands of protesters in the regencies Mimika and Dogiyai expressed their opposition to the formation of new provinces in West Papua. In Timika, police officers prevented the protesters from walking toward the local parliament building. Police personnel forcefully dispersed the crowd with tear gas ammunition around 9.00 am. The officers reportedly ill-treated at least four protesters and arrested and detained at least three, who were released hours later.

Police officer shot and injured an indigenous Papuan in Paniai Regency

Police officers have shot indigenous Papuan Mr Petrus Tebay in the Bapouda Village, Paniai Timur District, Paniai Regency, on 5 April 2022. The victim was admitted to the public hospital in Madi, where he is receiving medical treatment. Earlier that day, the internet cafe owners in Bapouda had reported a theft to the local police. Mr Tebay was outside the cafe when he was suddenly shot. Allegedly the police suspected him to be the thief. Still, he was shot with no warning. Mr Tebay denies having committed any crime.