On 26 May 2023, a short video was released, in which New Zealand pilot captain Philip Mark Mehrtens says that the TPNPB would shoot him dead if for the next two months, countries in the world did not talk to Indonesia about Papuan independence. The video was widely circulated on social media (Whatsapp) and shows Mehrtens surrounded by TPNPB Kodap III Derakma Ndugama members. “Give two more months for all other countries to talk [dialogue] with Indonesia for an independent Papua. If it has been two months and they (countries) do not speak out, they (TPNPB) will shoot me” said pilot Mehrtens in the video clip. In a separate video, Rumianus Wandikbo of the West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Operation (TPNPB-OPM) called on countries such as New Zealand, Australia, and Western countries to start talks with Indonesia and the separatists. A day earlier, on 25 May, the Papua Regional Police announced that a special negotiation team was formed to assist in the rescue efforts through negotiations with the TBNPB. The team includes the Church Council and the local Diocese.
Following the video release, the Head of the Cartenz 2023 Peaceful Ops Public Relations Task Force, Kombespol. Donny Charles Go declared that police are investigating the video with experts’ support. Also, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of Indonesia, Mahfud MD, said the Indonesian government refused any kind of international intervention by other countries in an effort to free Mr Mehrtens. On the other side, a spokesman for the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that Mehrtens’ safety is still their top priority and New Zealand will make every effort to secure a peaceful solution. Additionally, Komnas HAM condemned the hostage situation. “The TPNPB-OPM hostage-taking of Philip Mark Mehrtens is a crime, which has aggravated the situation in Papua, caused casualties and caused unrest in the community,” said Komnas HAM Chairman Atnike Nova Sigiro on 27 May.
On 7 June, fourth months after the kidnapping, the TNI Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono, reiterated that efforts to free pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens are still being pursued, prioritising dialogue in coordination with community leaders, religious leaders, traditional leaders, and also the Regent of Nduga. “We prioritise persuasive means, not military operations”, he said.
Later on 12 June, a spokesman for New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) made a similar statement as that made two weeks before, that the government was still doing everything it could to ensure Mehrtens’ safety.” Mehrtens’ safety is our priority. We will do everything we can to ensure a peaceful resolution and the safety of Mehrtens’ release,” the spokesman said. “This includes working closely with the Indonesian government.” According to New Zealand’s MFAT, everything is being done to try and seek Mehrtens’ release.
The West Papuan Council of Churches (WPCC) is calling on Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to cease military operations in West Papua and seek dialogue with TPNPB. The WPCC considers that Mehrtens’ life is in danger if negotiations with the TPNPB do not take place and is asking the Indonesian president to withdraw the military and to allow the church to go in and to dialogue with the TPNPB for the release of the pilot.
“We know that the TPNPB leader has proposed a kind of peaceful talk, but the government has not responded”, said WPCC’s Rev Benny Giay. He added that the church cannot mediate a dialogue unless the Indonesian military ceases its operations. However, Indonesian authorities have continually started that they are pursuing a peaceful dialogue to the crisis.
Both TNI and TPNPB have confirmed shootouts in the Nduga Regency. Indonesian authorities have confirmed the deaths of four soldiers as a result of the fighting. According to Rev Giay, “New Zealand government and the international community has to pressure the Indonesian government and military to seek a peaceful dialogue… That is only possible if the Indonesian military withdraws”.
Video messages by Captain Mehrtens and TPNPB combatants in Nduga
The Council is calling on Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to cease military operations in West Papua and seek dialogue with TPNPB.The Council is calling on Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to cease military operations in West Papua and seek dialogue with TPNPB.The Council is calling on Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to cease military operations in West Papua and seek dialogue with TPNPB.The Council is calling on Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to cease military operations in West Papua and seek dialogue with TPNPB.
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