The trial of the accused perpetrators of the attack in Kramongmongga District, Fakfak Regency, Papua Barat Province, is currently under preparation, with considerations for the trial to be held either in West Papua or in Makassar, South Sulawesi. This case, which dates back to 15 August 2023, involved the burning of a district office and a school building, SMP Negeri 4 Kramongmongga in Fakfak Regency, and the killing of the District Head Darson Hegemur.
The case files are being investigated by the public prosecutor. West Papua Police Chief Inspector General Daniel TM Silitonga, on 5 October 2023, indicated that the trial’s location is being deliberated, with options including West Papua or Makassar. This decision is being made in consultation with the Chief Justice of the West Papua High Court. The Police Chief emphasized the importance of providing security for judges, prosecutors, and suspects during the trial.
The suspects in this case face multiple charges under various articles of the Criminal Code. These include Article 340, Article 338, Article 170 paragraphs (2) to 3e, Article 351 paragraph (3), Article 187, Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1e, Article 56, Article 106, Article 108, Article 110 of the Criminal Code, and Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951. These charges cover a range of offences including murder, assault, and arson.
Initially, seven individuals were identified as suspects in this case. Additionally, a person with the initials AK, suspected to be the mastermind behind the incident, surrendered himself at the Fakfak Police Station. In a related development, five individuals were fatally shot by police officers for allegedly resisting arrest during the search for perpetrators listed on the wanted list.
The incident, which triggered the current legal proceedings, was a violent attack on the infrastructure of Kramongmongga District, resulting in significant destruction and loss of life. This case has garnered attention due to its severity and the high-profile nature of the targets involved.
The upcoming trial is expected to provide clarity on the circumstances surrounding the attack and to deliver justice for the crimes committed. The involvement of multiple legal articles indicates the complexity of the case and the seriousness with which the authorities are treating this matter. The decision to potentially hold the trial in Makassar is indicative of the case’s high profile and the need for a secure and neutral location for the proceedings.