Maladministration results in lack of medication in Deiyai Regency

The general hospital in Waghete is the only hospital in the Deiyai Regency. Human rights defenders have reported a lack of medication at the hospital in December 2023 due to maladministration. According to the information received, the hospital needed to coordinate the remaining stock and purchase of new drugs with the health department and the local parliament. Accordingly, many medicines have reportedly expired, while other urgently needed medications are no longer available at the hospital, forcing people to buy prescribed drugs outside the hospital.

Human rights defenders claim that the medication shortage could have been prevented if the hospital had coordinated the purchase of new medication with the local health department. The purchase should be based on local health statistics illustrating which diseases are most commonly found in the Deiyai Regency. Many patients had reportedly complained to the health department after they could not get medication in the Waghete Hospital.

Detailed Case Data
name of the location: RSUD Deiyai (-4.032968501961585, 136.29133770239878)
administrative region: Indonesia, Papua Tengah Province, Deiyai Regency, Tigi District, Waghete
total number of victims: dozens
period of incident: 01.12.2023
perpetrator: government
perpetrator details: Ministry of Health
Issues: indigenous peoples, right to health
Further HRM News:

NumberName, DetailsGenderAgeGroup AffiliationViolations
dozensunknown unknownunknownindigenousright to health