Joint security forces kill five indigenous Papuans in Fakfak – Human rights organisations demand independent investigation

Joint security force members carried out a series of raids in the Kramongmongga District, Fakfak Regency, Papua Barat Province. The raids began on 16 August 2023, one day after unknown perpetrators set the district office and a school on fire. The Kramongmongga District Chief, Mr Darson Hegemur, was killed during the incident.

Security force personnel killed five suspects during two separate raids on 31 August and 9 September 2023. Twelve other villagers, including women and children, were reportedly arrested in different locations. According to the information received, the police pressed charges against seven detained suspects (see below). Five other suspects were released after being interrogated. About 500 indigenous Papuans living in the villages of Mamur and Nembukteb reportedly fled into the forest in fear of being arbitrarily arrested.

The Head of the public relations department of the Papua Barat Regional Police (Polda Papua Barat, Commissioner Adam Erwindi, claimed that the officers released warning shots but had to kill five suspects because they resisted the arrest. One police officer was reportedly injured with a knife during the raid on 9 September. Erwindi declared that his men followed criminal procedure and succeeded in seizing bows and arrows, machetes, and a grenade during the raid on 9 September 2023 as evidence.

The police statement contradicts witness testimonies collected by human rights defenders on the ground. The witnesses stated that security force members instantly released aimed shots at victims in both incidents. Moreover, security force members buried the bodies at the Covid-19 public cemetery, Fakfak district, on 10 September 2023 without informing the victims’ relatives. The Manokwari Institute for Research, Assessment, and Development of Legal Aid (LP3BH Manokwari) has called upon the National Human Rights Commission to conduct a preliminary investigation into the allegations of extra-judicial executions during the raids in Kramongmongga.

Human rights defenders allege that the security forces lack professionalism, using excessive force during operations in Kramongmongga without following the principle of proportionality. The principle is at the heart of many human rights claims, as any restrictions must be a “proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.” The allegations are backed up by other mistakes by investigators during the investigation.

The Papua Barat Regional Police (Polda Papua Barat) together with the Falfak police released a search list with 17 suspects on 12 September 2023. The search list contained the photo of a Papuan student from Fakfak, Mr Yakobus Tanggahma (see below). As the incidents occurred, Mr Tanggahma moved to the Fakfak student dormitory in Jayapura for his studies. He was not in Fakfak as the series of incidents occurred. Other students living in the Fakfak student dormitory in Jayapura stated that plain cloth officers repeatedly came to the dormitory to look and ask for Yakobus Tanggahma. Polda Papua Barat took the pictures off the list on 14 September 2023, after Mr Tanggahma and his lawyers filed a complaint to the Papua Regional Police (Polda Papua).

The situation in Kramongmongga is likely to remain tense, and further internal displacements are expected to occur. The Papua Barat Police Chief, Daniel TM Silitonga, declared on 14 September 2023 that he would deploy additional police personnel. Silitonga also gave the order to intensify security patrols across Kramongmongga.

Table of victims killed during security force raids in the Kramongmongga District, Fakfak Regency

NoNameAgeLocation of killingDate of killingAdditional information
1Mr Tison Heremba36 yearsMamur Village, Kramongmongga District31.08.2023Sustained a lethal bullet wound on the left chest; Security force members buried the body at the Covid-19 public cemetery, Fakfak district, on 01.09.2023 without informing the victim’s relatives.
2Mr Otis Hanaba32 yearsNembukteb Village, Kramongmongga District09.09.2023security force members buried the body at the COVID-19 public cemetery, Fakfak district, on 10.09.2023 without informing the victim’s relatives.
3Mr Nason Hindom34 yearsNembukteb Village, Kramongmongga District09.09.2023security force members buried the body at the COVID-19 public cemetery, Fakfak district, on 10.09.2023 without informing the victim’s relatives.
4Mr Simon Kramandondo49 yearsNembukteb Village, Kramongmongga District09.09.2023security force members buried the body at the COVID-19 public cemetery, Fakfak district, on 10.09.2023 without informing the victim’s relatives.
5Mr Neiman Gewab25 yearsNembukteb  Village, Kramongmongga District09.09.2023security force members buried the body at the COVID-19 public cemetery, Fakfak district, on 10.09.2023 without informing the victim’s relatives.

Table of suspects arrested and prosecuted in Fakfak between 16 August and 10 September 2023

NoNameAgeAdditional information
1Mr Yohanes Kramandondo24 yearsVice-chairman of KNPB Branch in Fakfak; detained at the Fafak District Police Headquarters
2Mr Harianto Iba18 yearsdetained at the Fafak District Police Headquarters
3Mr Ferdinandus Kramandondo26 yearsdetained at the Fafak District Police Headquarters
4Mr Alex Kramandondo51 yearsdetained at the Fafak District Police Headquarters
5Mr Yonadap Rohrohmana30 yearsdetained at the Fafak District Police Headquarters
6Mr Melkianus Kramandondo20 yearsdetained at the Fafak District Police Headquarters
7Mr Vridolin Kramandondo20 yearsdetained at the Fafak District Police Headquarters

Bodies of four victims killed during raids in the villages Mamur and Nembukteb, Fakfak Regency

False search list published by Polda Papua Barat

Mr Yakobus Tanggahma’ s photo was marked with a red rectangle. Polda Papua Barat took the pictures off the list on 14 September 2023, after Mr Tanggahma and his lawyers filed a complaint about the false allegations.

Security force raids in Kramongmongga

Case information: and and

2 thoughts on “Joint security forces kill five indigenous Papuans in Fakfak – Human rights organisations demand independent investigation”

  1. Pingback: Benny Wenda: Papua Barat adalah ladang pembunuhan di bawah pemerintahan Indonesia – Westpapuanews.Org

  2. Pingback: IDP Update, October 2023: recent displacement in Yahukimo, Pegunungan Bintang and Fakfak Regencies | West Papua Action Network

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