Indigenous communities report and oppose illegal mining activities of PT Zoomlion in their customary land in Kapiraya, Deiyai

Indigenous communities in Kapiraya district, Deiyai Regency, Papua Tengah (Central Papua) Province, are actively protesting the operations of PT Zoomlion, a Chinese company, which entered the area in 2023 to extract gold with heavy machinery (excavators) without obtaining permits from either the customary right owners or the relevant government authorities. The use of heavy machinery by PT Zoomlion has already caused damage to riverbanks and surrounding areas, impacting water quality and local access to clean water.

The Central Papua Provincial Government has confirmed that gold mining activities are illegal. Frets James Boray, Head of the Central Papua Manpower, Transmigration and Mineral Resources Energy Office (Disnakertrans-ESDM), stated this to Media outlet Koranpapua on 1 April 2024. Boray outlined the regulations governing community mining if such activities were to be legalised. “Community mining is permitted, but only with the use of simple tools, not heavy machinery like excavators,” he stated. “Bringing in excavators is strictly forbidden due to their detrimental impact on the environment and their violation of the law.” Boray admitted his lack of knowledge regarding the individuals who brought in the heavy equipment for the current illegal mining activities. He urged the public to provide clear information regarding the ownership of this equipment. Furthermore, he issued a direct plea: “To the public and any entrepreneurs involved, I urge you to cease these illegal mining activities immediately.” He also called upon law enforcement officials to take appropriate action before further damage would occur.

On 15 May 2024, the community through a representative issued an open letter (download PDF) to the authorities of Deiyai and Dogiyai Regencies objecting to the entry of PT Zoomlion. They urged the authorities to clarify the situation and potentially stop the mining activity to protect the environment and local people.  In late May, community members blocked the site in protest, prompting a reaction from the authorities.

On 31 May 2024, a Dogiyai DPRD member said, they met the Provincial Mineral Resources Energy Office representative. During the meeting, the facts around the mining site revealed that PT Zoomlion is operating illegally. The Office representatives committed to visiting the site in Kapiraya and monitoring the activities and ownership of customary land areas. The affected indigenous community is now waiting for the local Government to take immediate and firm legal action against PT Zoomlion.

Video showing the community blocking mining site in Kapiraya

Operations of PT Zoomlion

Detailed Case Data
name of the location: Kapiraya (-4.18757440597774, 136.17421140117872)
administrative region: Indonesia, Papua Tengah Province, Deiyai Regency, Kapiraya District
total number of victims: dozens
period of incident: 15.05.2024
perpetrator: company
perpetrator details: PT Zoomlion
Issues: indigenous peoples, cultural rights, FPIC
Further HRM News:

NumberName, DetailsGenderAgeGroup AffiliationViolations
dozensunknownunknownunknownindigenouscultural rights