The Head of the Tanah Papua Press Legal Aid Association (LBH Pers Papua), Mr Simon Pattiradjawane, has highlighted the challenges journalists face in West Papua, emphasising three prevalent types of violence handled by the organisation. These include threats, intimidation, and physical violence against journalists.
Mr Pattiradjawane stressed the vital role of journalists in monitoring law, human rights, and democracy in Indonesia. They are a crucial link between the government, security forces, and the public. In this regard, he emphasized the need for transparency and credibility among all stakeholders to maintain public trust.
In an effort to safeguard journalists, Mr Pattiradjawane underscored the importance of press immunity rights outlined in the Indonesian Press Law, ensuring journalists are not punished for implementing legal provisions. He also highlighted the rights attached to journalists, such as the right of refusal, right of reply, right of correction, and the right of immunity, as crucial for journalists to fulfill the citizens’ rights to information in a democratic society.
Mr Pattiradjawane urged journalists in West Papua to recognize their role in controlling the distribution of information regarding law, human rights, and democracy. He stressed the importance of journalists countering the dissemination of false or misinformation, contributing to a more accurate and balanced public understanding of the region. Press freedom and the protection of journalists are essential components in fostering a democratic society, reducing poverty, promoting environmental conservation, advancing gender equality, and upholding justice and human rights culture.