West Tanjungkarang Police arbitrarily detain and torture a PT Sindex Express driver in Bandar Lampung

On 4 January 2022, at around 4 pm, Arsiman was picked up by his friend with the initials P, who also worked as a driver at PT Sindex Express in Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province. Then, Arsiman was invited by P to a garage owned by PT Sindex Express in Bandar Lampung. At around 7 pm, Arsiman contacted his wife, Dartini. Arsiman told his wife that he was interrogated in the garage. After that, the phone was switched off. Arsiman did not return home. 

On 5 January, his wife Dartini searched for him and finally received news that Arsiman was at the West Tanjungkarang Police Station, placed in the Criminal Investigation Unit room. From 4 to 12 January 2022, Arsiman was detained at Tanjungkarang Barat Police Station without clear legal status. During that time, Arsiman was questioned without an arrest, detention, or suspect determination letter.

During the 8-day detention, there were allegations that Arsiman experienced torture. Arsiman was not allowed to leave the room of the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Tanjungarang Barat Police and was locked at night like a prisoner. Even to urinate, Arsiman had to use a mineral water bottle because he was not allowed to urinate in the bathroom. Likewise, with food, Arsiman cannot buy food outside and can only order food via online applications. Often Arsiman had to endure hunger all day because members of the West Tanjungkarang Police did not give him food.

Director of LBH Bandar Lampung, Sumaindra, strongly criticised the actions taken by the West Tanjungkarang Police. According to him, in the process of arresting and detaining someone, investigators only have 1×24 hours to determine whether the perpetrator’s actions can be categorised as a criminal act with sufficient preliminary evidence based on Article 19 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code. “If more than 1×24 hours, the alleged perpetrator must be released by law,” he explained. But in fact, Arisman has been detained by the West Tanjungkarang Police for eight days without a police report or a detention warrant, which should be forwarded immediately after making a detention based on the provisions of Article 21 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

LBH Bandarlampung, Arsiman’s legal counsel, considered that there were also human rights violations and procedural violations committed by the police. Therefore, Arsiman reported the arbitrariness he experienced to the Police Headquarters and Komnas HAM on 14 January 2022.

As a result of this incident, Lampung Police Chief Inspector General (Inspector General) Hendro Sugiatno has removed the West Tanjungkarang Police Chief, Kompol David Jeckson Sianipar, as stated in telegram letter number ST/29/I/KEP./2022 on 14 January 2022. Through Lampung Police’s Head of Public Relations, High Commissioner Zahwani Pandra Arsyad (Pandra), Lampung Police Chief Inspector General (Inspector General) Hendro Sugiatno ordered his staff to find and examine the person who reported and brought Arsiman to Tanjung Karang Barat Police Station. According to him, Arsiman was interrogated by the management of the expedition company where he worked because he was suspected of embezzlement and fraud.

Detailed Case Data
name of the location: Bandar Lampung
administrative region: Indonesia, Lampung Province, Bandar Lampung City
total number of victims: 1
period of incident: 04.01.2022
perpetrator: police
perpetrator details:
Issues: arbitrary detention, torture
Sources: https://radarlampung.disway.id/read/196283/penahanan-sopir-ekspedisi-berbuntut-panjang, https://www.teras.id/news/pat-18/455536/httpswww-495, https://m.tribunnews.com/regional/2022/01/19/fakta-fakta-kapolsek-di-lampung-dicopot-gegara-tahan-sopir-tanpa-status-hukum-jelas-selama-8-hari?page=all
Further HRM News:

NumberName, Details  GenderAgeGroup Affiliation  Violation  
1Arsimanmale42arbitrary detention, torture