Military members ill-treat taxi driver at airport in Makassar

A video that went viral on social media shows an online taxi driver being allegedly assaulted by three members of the TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia, the Indonesian National Armed Forces). The incident, which took place on 28 June 2024 at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar, South Sulawesi Province, has sparked concerns about the treatment of civilians by military personnel.

The footage shows a driver being confronted by TNI officers while still inside his car. While the exact details remain unclear, the incident has reignited discussions about the treatment of civilians by military personnel.

TNI officials acknowledged the incident, stating it was a “misunderstanding” between security personnel and the taxi driver, identified as Agusli. Head of the Air Force Information Service, Marshal Ardi Syahri, identified the individuals as security personnel stationed at the airport. He alleged the driver of operating an online taxi service without proper authorisation.

According to Marshal Syahri, the conflict parties reached an agreement outside the law to settle the dispute. No official reports regarding the incident have been filed. Consequently, no disciplinary actions were taken against the TNI AU personnel. The incident raised questions about the use of excessive force by the TNI officers and the widespread climate of impunity in Indonesia.

Video of the assault