Military members arbitrarily detain two Papuans in Titigi, Intan Jaya – One suspect tortured

On 14 September 2024, members of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) arbitrarily detained two Papuans at a military post in Mamba Village, Sugapa District, in the Intan Jaya Regency, Papua Tengah Province. The victims were identified as Mr Nopianus Nabelau, a 19-year-old farmer from Soali Village, and Mr Rudi Sani, a teacher at SMAN 1 Senior High School in Sugapa. According to the information received, the TNI members used excessive force against Mr Nabelau, suspecting him of being associated with the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB).

According to reports, at approximately 9:00 am, Mr Nabelau and Mr Sani were driving by motorcycle from Sugapa Town towards Titigi Village when TNI officers stopped them at the military post (see photo on top, source: independent HRDs). The military allegedly found photos and videos published by the TPNPB on Mr Nabelau’s phone. Thereupon, the TNI officers reportedly tortured Mr Nabelau, resulting in injuries to his face and body. Mr Sani was not physically harmed during the interrogation at the military post. While Mr Sani was released the same day at 5:00 pm, Mr Nabelau remained in detention at the TNBI Post in Mamba. The arbitrary nature of the arrest, the use of violence against Mr Nabelau, and the lack of due process raise significant human rights concerns.

There have been conflicting reports about his status of detention and the legal process. The victim’s family and human rights advocates are demanding Mr Nabelau’s immediate release, citing the arbitrary nature of his arrest and the violation of proper legal procedures. The incident highlights the ongoing tensions between security forces and local populations in conflict regions, as well as the need for greater accountability and oversight of military actions against civilians.