Yahukimo Police intimidate KNPB members in Yahukimo – House search carried out without warrant

On 14 August 2024, members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) in the Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, Papua Pegunungan Province, experienced acts of intimidation and unauthorised search by members of the 1715 Kodim (military district command) and Brimob (mobile brigade corps). The operation was led by Yahukimo Police Chief, Commissioner Heru Hidayanto. Six KNPB members were present at their office when the security forces arrived, resulting in a tense confrontation and forceful entry into the KNPB office.

The incident began with surveillance activities on 13 August 20214, with two vehicles monitoring the KNPB office. On August 14, the surveillance intensified. At 3:20 pm, a large contingent of security forces, comprising nine vehicles including armoured cars and patrol vehicles from various units, arrived at the KNPB office. Despite attempts by KNPB members to negotiate and clarify that no demonstrations were planned for 15 August 2024, the security forces forcibly entered the office without providing a warrant. They searched the office and took photographs of the premises. The operation concluded around 3:40 pm when the forces withdrew.

The incident raises serious concerns about respect for civil liberties, freedom of association, and the use of intimidation tactics against political activists in West Papua, Indonesia.

Security force vehicles approaching the KNPB office in the Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, on 14 August 2024

Detailed Case Data
name of the location: Dekai (-4.874653772472966, 139.48856096842403)
administrative region: Indonesia, Papua Pegunungan Province, Yahukimo Regency, Dekai District
total number of victims: six
period of incident: 14.08.2024
perpetrator: police, other security forces
perpetrator details: 1715 Kodim and Brimob
Issues: freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly, indigenous peoples, intimidation
Further HRM News:

NumberName, DetailsGenderAgeGroup AffiliationViolations
6unknownunknownunknownindigenous, activistfreedom of assembly, freedom of expression, intimidation