Two students tortured in Intan Jaya – Yonif 509 Balawara Yudha military members accused

On 12 October 2024, soldiers arbitrarily arrested the junior high school student, Wenes Tipagau, along with his friend (identity yet to be verified) and reportedly tortured them inside the Yonif Maleo 509/BY military post in Mamba. Relatives alleged that the soldiers poured kerosene on their bodies and threatened to burn them alive if they refused to provide information about the TPNPB operations in the Intan Jaya Regency. The torture became known after the military members released the boys. However, only Wenes Tipagau returned home from detention, while his friend has been reported missing since the incident.

Photos allegedly showing the Wenes Tipagau and his friend (right) and wounds he suffered as a result of the torture (left)

Detailed Case Data
name of the location: Mamba (-3.733189766982337, 136.98152916749538)
administrative region: Indonesia, Papua Tengah Province, Intan Jaya Regency, Sugapa District, Mamba Village
total number of victims: five
period of incident: 12.10.2024
perpetrator: other security forces
perpetrator details: Yonif Maleo 509/BY
Issues: indigenous peoples, arbitrary arrest, torture, ill-treatment, execution, enforced disappearance
Further HRM News:

NumberName, DetailsGenderAgeGroup AffiliationViolations
1Wenes Tipagau, studentmaleunknownindigenousarbitrary detention, torture
1unknown maleunknownindigenousarbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearance