Jayapura: Possible reenactment of transmigration program triggers West Papua-wide protests

The protesters in Jayapura City gathered in various locations on 15 November 2024. In Expo Waena and the Abepura Roundabout, protesters were forcibly dispersed by the authorities using water cannons, tear gas, wooden sticks, and rubber ammunition around 8:30 am. At least eleven protesters were injured during the crackdown (see table below, source: independent HRDs). The police stopped the peaceful assembly without obvious reason as the KNPB had registered the protest with the police following Indonesian law. Several police officers were wounded as protesters responded throwing stones at the police.

Additionally, police officers reportedly prevented KNPB activists in the town of Sentani, Jayapura Regency, from distributing leaflets for the demonstration on 13 and 14 November 2024. On 15 November 2024, joint security forces took position at all major roads in Sentani at 5:00 am, checking public transport and private vehicles to prevent protesters from going to meeting points in Jayapura City.

Detailed Case Data
name of the location: Lingkaran Abepura (-2.6061881865291094, 140.636934786602)
administrative region: Indonesia, Papua Province, Jayapura City
total number of victims: twelve
period of incident: 15.11.2024
perpetrator: police
perpetrator details: unknown
Issues:  freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly, indigenous peoples, ill-treatment Sources:
Further HRM News: https://humanrightsmonitor.org/news/possible-reenactment-of-transmigration-program-triggers-west-papua-wide-protests-police-crackdown-on-protesters-in-jayapura-and-nabire/

NumberName, DetailsGenderAgeGroup Affiliation  Violations
1Rudianto Pigaymale19indigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly
1Roni Goomale22indigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly
1Yosep Degei  male19indigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly
1Nongki Pekeymaleunknownindigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly
1Kris Douwmale23indigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly
1Albertus Madaimale22indigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly
1Yakobus Youmale21indigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly
1Nongki Ukagomale22indigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly
1Milanus Bugi male20indigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly
1Tison Gwiyangge  male23indigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly
1Malianus Mugimale20indigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly
1Yome Gobaimale24indigenousill-treatment, freedom of assembly