Enforced disappearance in Intan Jaya – Yonif 509 Balawara Yudha military members accused

On 09 October 2024, members of the Yonif Maleo 509/BY command arbitrarily arrested and tortured, Mr Alex Sondegau, 30, inside the military post in the Mamba Village, Intan Jaya Regency, Indonesia. According to human rights defenders from Intan Jaya, Mr Sondegau suffered from a mental disorder.

It is believed that he succumbed to the injuries which he sustained as a result of the torture. Soldiers are alleged to have dumped the body in an undisclosed location. Statements by Yonif 509 members indicated that Mr Sondegau was allegedly affiliated with the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), without providing evidence to support the accusations. TPNPB spokesperson, Mr Sebby Sumbom, denied the allegations.

As of 18 October 2024, relatives tried in vain to find the whereabouts of Mr Sondegau’s remains.

Last Photos of Mr Alex Sondegau after being arrested by military members

Detailed Case Data
name of the location: Mamba (-3.733189766982337, 136.98152916749538)
administrative region: Indonesia, Papua Tengah Province, Intan Jaya Regency, Sugapa District, Mamba Village
total number of victims: one
period of incident: 09.10.2024
perpetrator: other security forces
perpetrator details: Yonif Maleo 509/BY
Issues: indigenous peoples, arbitrary arrest, torture, ill-treatment, enforced disappearance
Further HRM News: https://humanrightsmonitor.org/news/yonif-509-balawara-yudha-military-members-accused-of-torture-and-extra-judicial-killings-in-intan-jaya/

NumberName, DetailsGenderAgeGroup AffiliationViolations
1Alex Sondegaumale30indigenousarbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearance